

It's the revenge of the Bieber concert tonight, and I don't know, like everyone of my friends will be attending. I am not a fan myself, but the problem is, they get THEIR "heartthrob" to come to their town but for mine to come they would most likely have to rise from the grave. Its not fair, huh.
When you stand on the porch of my house, you can almost here the faint sound of screaming girls of all ages as if they would attract his Bieber's attention, with all those others adolescents, toddlers ( Past the Bobs and Lolo phase ) and in between girls.
I hope they yell almost enough to get the air to swift his hair back into it's original straight ( Not vacuumed ) hair.
But that would make a small difference to my un-liking level.

-yours, ruby


  1. Ah, "heartthrobs" come and go, Bieber is almost done. We can only hope that he is able to keep his life together and intact after the screaming stops. Now, you must have a hearthrob who is still alive, no?

  2. i was trying to figure out how he got his hair to do that. dustbuster!

  3. ps rooble: good tags on your posts!

  4. you know, soon he is probably going to date lindsay lohan??

  5. That is horrible. Even for him. I kinda wanted to go for the Usher and Sean Kingstion...

  6. Maybe he's using the Flowbee...


  7. P.S. I couldn't remember what is was called so I googled "hair vacuum" and the Flowbee popped right up! Ha ha
