
who would you rather be, the beatles or the rolling stones? oh seriously, your gonna make mistakes your young

Spending my days - (I accidentally spelt 'dad' first instead of 'days') - embracing this golden weather, scootering along side my brother on his skateboard, wearing dresses WITHOUT tights underneath - ahh, my favourite - and hoping you guys haven't lost faith in me for writing, sorry about the delays.
And reading. Lostsa losta reading. Nancy Drew mostly. Though, in less then 24 hours I read 'Dear George Clooney, Please Marry my Mom' by Susin Nielsen - which is an amazing book. I'm really hooked on the VPL website (Vancouver Public Library). Encountering things is so hip.

Look at my redness. Do you like my redness? OMG there is like SOOOOOOOOOOO much redness!
